(603) 402-3656







Penetrant Testing

Are you in need of non-destructive examination services? We at JDH Inspection Services have the most highly qualified personnel to perform dye penetrant testing (PT) and other NDE services. Your inspections are important – not just to you – but to us! That’s why we’ve spent years cultivating the necessary experience and acumen to get the job done right the first time.

Why Receive Penetrant Testing From Us?

What Is Dye Penetrant Testing (PT)?

For anyone requiring a third-party inspection we offer dye penetrant testing which can be described as follows:

PT is a visual aid that reveals discontinuities open to the surface of solid and nonporous materials. A wide variety of discontinuity sizes can be found regardless of the configuration of the test object and regardless of the discontinuity orientation.

Our team has the following rigorous credentials to carry out your needed dye penetrant inspection (DPI):

  1. Certified IAW NAS 410 
  2. Certified SNT-TC-1A

We’re proud of the bright minds that we attract as technicians to diligently execute this work and even prouder of their dedication to doing the job carefully and correctly.

What Else Do We Offer?

In addition to dye penetrant inspection (DPI), we also offer the following types of inspection:

We are more than happy to speak with you about the advantages and applications of each type. At JDH Inspection Services, our goal is to give you a perfectly accurate result every time.

Contact Us for Dye or Liquid Penetrant Testing 

We stand ready to serve your needs at the jobsite! Please call us at (603) 402-3656 to discuss any questions you may have including liquid penetrant inspection (LPI)!

Getting In Touch With Us

To learn more, give us a call at (603) 402-3656 to speak with an NDT professional.